Long hair = pretty?
Being a hairstylist for a living I constantly hear from so many people about what they think beautiful hair is. And you guys, everyone's answers are different.
Hair is an extension of yourself and should express how you feel about yourself. What that expression looks like is completely up to you. No one else. It is your hair. Long hair, short hair, mid length, lots of layers, super blunt, dark or light, high maintenance and low maintenance it's you and what makes you feel confident.
Boyfriends or Girlfriends Opinion
Significant others. They get to have opinions. But, in my opinion that does not mean they get a say. No one should determine whether or not you can cut your hair or let it grow other then you. I repeat, this is my opinion. And in my personal life my boyfriend prefers my hair long and encourages me to let it keep growing. And I decided to let it keep growing to see how long of hair I can handle. But someday I am going to cut it off to a bob again. I'll give him warning and all but it's my decision and my hair. Same goes for him and his beard. I like his beard but it's his face not mine. And if he decides he doesn't want hair on his face, that's totally fine.
Considering Maintenance
All styles require some maintenance. Hair grows and therefore loses its style. But not all haircuts lose their style as quickly as others. For me this is one of the biggest factors to consider. Typically shorter hairstyles need to get trimmed way more often and for some finding the time to get it trimmed every few weeks is too difficult. But from day to day shorter hair dries quicker and requires less effort to style. Longer hair can be a pain in the booty in the day to day dealing with it, but also does not need to be trimmed very often.
And in the end always talk to your stylist about the strength of your hair and what they think.

You Do You
Find inspiration. Find what feels right on you. I have had a pixie multiple times and now my hair is past my shoulders. I feel beautiful in both styles and all the in between lengths. It really should always come down to feeling as beautiful as you are, not what other people think beautiful is.
And in the end always talk to your stylist about the strength of your hair and what they think.
You Do You
Find inspiration. Find what feels right on you. I have had a pixie multiple times and now my hair is past my shoulders. I feel beautiful in both styles and all the in between lengths. It really should always come down to feeling as beautiful as you are, not what other people think beautiful is.
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