New Goals

The Year is half over. Can you even believe that we are here already?! I feel really proud of how I'm doing with my new years goals, so much so that I'm ready to set new goals for myself for the remainder of the year.

Run (not walk) a 5K
Back in April Tyler and I were lamenting how out of shape we are and I suggested we sign up for a 5K or something. Tyler used to run track and field in high school but running has always been something my dance instructors told me to never do. After some research I decided that I wanted to take up the hobby. I've been wanting to up the amount of cardio I do and this seemed like a perfect thing. So I got the Couch to 5K app and the Nike Run Club app. I also got my brother to join in on the adventure. I've been running for about a month now and the 5K is in October. So excited to see my progress. 

Start A Retirement Account
This is a super "adult" goal but it is something I'm excited to start and have peace of mind about. I lots all of my grandparents by the time I was 13. So I didn't have grandparents for an example of what retirement was supposed to be. I seriously had this magical idea of what retirement was and how it happened. It wasn't something my parents talked about much (until recently). It really wasn't until I started dating Tyler and got to be around his wonderful grandparents that I started to realize the importance of planning for Retirement. So by the end of the year I want to start a retirement account. Boom! Its gonna happen and I'm gonna be comfortable and worry free in my eventual old age.

Go Two Months Without Buying Clothes Or Makeup
I have tried to do this before but with no success. This time will be different, probably because I'm putting it in a blog post. Yay for accountability! So I want to go two months without shopping to firstly save money (maybe to start my retirement fund with) and also to just be able to know that I'm not using shopping to feel in control. My eating disorder was about finding control and sometimes I feel like the worst impulse shopper for the same reason. So I believe in myself and I think I'm gonna try to go through July and August without shopping for makeup or clothes. August is gonna be tough because my sister will be home and she is the best shopping buddy.
(pictured below is a dress I bought and returned because I already owned a dress in this color and found something better. But again I'm literally the worst impulse buyer)

Take Another Sober Month
I am also taking July off from drinking alcohol. I took January off from drinking and it was so awesome to know that I had that much self control. And I'm feeling ready for another little break from drinking. with training for a 5K and just wanting to feel healthier (dare I say wanting to lose some weight) it just seems like a good idea.

Habit Build Cleaning Habits
I've talked about habit buiding before but here is a quick recap. Start with teeny tiny habits that you really can't say no to. then work your way up to bigger and bigger habits. Soon you'll be a human with habits and rituals in place that'll keep your life organized and calm....hopefully. Habits I've built include making my bed, drinking water before coffee, daily exercise and I'm wanting to add on habits having to do with cleaning. I'm thinking every other day I will clean something small and cycle through my whole apartment.

Read More
I just signed up for a summer reading challenge with a friend of mine and I couldn't be more excited. It is set up like bingo and I could possibly win a tote bag. nothing like an accessory to motivate me. I'm currently reading Anne of The Island and I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series.

So those are some of my new and updated goals. Please share your current goals, thank you for reading and simply stay pretty. 


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